Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Gossip Boy

Gossip Boy here, your one and only source into the scandalous (well, not really) life of....... me!

OK, so obviously I have been watching too much Gossip Girl. I actually finished watching the whole season 1 (18 episodes) in 1 week, thanks to the long Good Friday weekend.... (which turns out not to be a really "good" friday, but that's a whole different story).
I didn't really like it when I first saw 1 episode on the plane last year, but turns out it can be addictive :P

So let's talk gossip. Spotted at YouTube, a new post from KevJumba, whom I follow from time to time.....

After seeing the video (and based on personal experiences), I kinda agree with him to some extent. I'm sorry to say this, but as the song in Avenue Q musical says... "Everyone's A Little Bit Racist". When I was young, I didn't really think too much about this. My parents lived in Indonesia their whole lives, and did not interact much with people from other countries. But now, as the world shrinks (thanks to the internet and other advancements in technology), we all have to deal with many people from various countries and cultures. Especially now that I'm working in the regional office (where I have to deal with ang-moh bosses), I personally experience incidents that sometimes makes me wonder "AM I INVISIBLE?". I'm not generalizing by saying that all angmohs are racist, but there are some that are just plain rude and disrespectful, and unfortunately I have to deal with them.

But don't fret.... if there is one thing I learn from watching gossip girl.... I'm the queen bitch king of passive aggressive around here, and I'm not backing down. 

Till next time....
Gossip Boy

1 comment:

  1. You go boy!!!
    And the saddest part is we're not 'Indonesian' and as well not included in the 'Chinese' group.
    *Krisis identitas*
