Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Girlfriend / Boyfriend

I have a confession to make. Ever since I ended my last relationship, I have been feeling rather lonely sometimes. I have been introduced to many new friends and searched through many places in hope of finding a perfect companion that suits me. Finally I have narrowed the list down to 2 potential suitors, but I'm gonna have to make a choice soon.

Their profile is quite the opposite. In fact, one is a girl and the other one is a man. I know it's a bit unconventional, but you'll see why I'm falling head over heels for them.

* She's Japanese, while he comes from France.
* She likes to stay at home (TV is her best friend), while he enjoys showing off while walking down Orchard Road. Actually she does have younger sisters who enjoys the outdoors too, but they are just not as smart nor as pretty as this one.
* She is very smart, while he is hollow on the inside.
* She is cool to the touch, while his skin is as soft as a baby. But they both enjoy being touched a lot :)
* She is slim (thanks to the operation she had last year to get rid of all the excess fat), and his body is sturdy and nicely shaped.
* Just like all the girls in the world, you have to keep buying her accessories or soon the relationship will drift apart up to the point where you don't feel like touching her anymore (trust me, this is based on personal experience with her elder sister). But if you push the right buttons, she will shake and quiver to your touch.
* He, on the other hand, requires minimal maintenance. You only need to maintain good hygiene and you will have a long lasting relationship with him. This has been proven by his brothers and sisters.
* The only similarity I can find is they both come from big and rich family. Her family is a bunch of geeks, while his family is considered royalty in France (and many parts of the world).

So, which one should I choose?
Oh btw here is a picture of them with their names..... ^_^

Given name : プレイステーション3
Family name : SONY

Given name : Roman MM Boreal
Family name : Louis Vuitton


  1. Anjreeeett!! Gw baca pake HP, kecil2, gw sampe takjub, gw kira lo bi!!! Hahahahaha^^ Siaaaaaaaaaaaalllllll!!!!!!! Sumpah kaget mampus!!!!! Sial sial siaaaaallll!!!
    Anyway, vote for the japanese lady. She won't make you feel lonely. In fact, I think the guy won't do anything with your loneliness, hahaha^^

  2. :P :P :P
    iye udah koq..... kemaren dah diboyong pulang tuh cewek jepang...... gue kasih tidur di ruang tamu aja soalnya di kamar sempit hihihi.....

    lagian cewek murahan, cuma $552..... yang cowo prancis mahal euy...... S$2300
